Science Projects

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Alka Seltzer Blast-off

I was going to do this project for a long time, but just never got around to it. It's simple. It's easy and tons of fun. 

This is what we're building today.

 Simple isn't it? But it's a lot of fun to build and watch it take off.

Supplies List:

  • Film canister
  • Alka Seltzer tablets (cut into 1/4 pieces)
  • Water
  • Construction or card stock paper
  • Scissors
  • Adhesive tape
Let's build our rockets!
Cut a width of 1 1/2 inch to 2" strip and roll it to make a cone. It doesn't have to be perfect. When you get a cone shape, tape it. Now, cut around the bottom to make the cone sit straight up.

Tape the cone on the top of the film canister, with the opening side down.

Now, let's add the fins. You can make them any shape you want, but I went with the traditional triangular shape. This is where you can experiment with different shapes and sizes.

Tape the fins to the sides. Don't worry too much about spacing. Try to make them equidistant and put them on the opposite side of the film canister.

Hold the rocket upside-down and fill it to less than 1/4 way up the canister. It can be as little as 1/8, but you can eye ball it. And as long as it's less than 1/4, it'll work just fine.

Take the rocket outside.
Put a 1/4 piece of the Alka Seltzer tablet into the film canister.
Put the top on it securely.
Put the rocket on a flat surface and wait. 

And wait.
And wait.
And wait.

Waiting felt like a long time. I didn't measure the time, but I think it could be up to 45 seconds or more. My daughter got tired of waiting and tried to check on the first rocket when it went off in her hands. It hurt a little, but no real damage. 


And it will go off eventually.

The rocket is gone.

Although waiting isn't fun, it's much better than getting hurt.

When it goes off, it's powerful and quick. Hard to catch it with your eyes.

The rocket blasted off at 7.44 seconds and flew out of the video frame at 7.58 seconds. Isn't that amazing!

I hope you have a chance to make this one.

Have a great day!

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